
代表尾藤 昭夫東洋大学現代社会研究所
事務担当桐生 正幸東洋大学
綿村 英一郎大阪大学
松田 いづみ青山学院大学
森 丈弓甲南女子大学
中川 知宏近畿大学
板山 昴関西国際大学
大杉 朱美福山大学
福島 由衣早稲田大学
入山 茂東洋大学社会学研究科
岡本 英生奈良女子大学
平 伸二福山大学
松村 幸四郎阪南大学経済学部


事実認定 ― 犯罪捜査と記憶の研究会.代表 尾藤昭夫


 本研究会の趣旨はabout usに述べさせていただいた通りです。そこで、本研究会が何を目指そうとしているかについてお話することで、代表の挨拶に代えさせていただこうかと思います。






 事実認定というのは、事件のような過去の出来事について確実な知識を得るための仕事です。過去の認識の仕事です。事実認定が認識の仕事だとすると、事実認定の進歩のためには、二種類の間違い、すなわちfalse alarm(冤罪)とmiss(見逃し)のいずれに対しても等しく考慮し、改善していくことが必要になってくると思います。そして、そのことが、結果的に冤罪の防止につながっていくと思います。私たち「事実認定-犯罪捜査と記憶の研究会」では、認識の仕事としての事実認定の進歩を目指したいと思っています。



 確かに、”冤罪を一人も出さない”ということは、人権の観点からいえば当然のことです。しかし、法律家の先生方に課されているこの課題は、判断の仕事として考えると、過酷なものと私は思うのです。というのは、心理学ばかりではなく、自然科学のあらゆる科学的な検査を顧みればわかることなのですが、false alarmのまったくない検査は存在しないと思われるからです。


 また、事実認定で確定されるのは、過去の犯罪行為です。行為という以上、事実認定で確定されることには、客観的な成分と主観的な成分が含まれています。たしかに、供述拒否権に抵触しなように十分に留意する必要はありましょう。しかし、 行為の主観的な成分を客観的で、ゆがみのない形で”見える化”するのも、心理学の仕事と考えます。



Greetings from Akio Bito, the representative of The Society of Psychological Study for Fact-Finding

My name is Akio Bito, and I am the representative of “The Society of Psychological Study for Fact-Finding (criminal investigation and memory)”.
Until March 2020, I was in charge of polygraph examinations at the forensic laboratory of Nara Prefectural Police.

Are you familiar with the term “fact-finding”?
You could say that it is the job determining the nature of events in the past, especially in criminal cases.
The term is used in judicial affairs, criminal investigations and historical studies.
You’re in the business of unravelling the past fact using the scientific method of reproducibility.
But, you can’t go all out when the past only happens once and therefore cannot be relived.
That’s the difficult part of fact-finding.

However, fact-finding is also a function of the human mind.
The purpose of the study group is for our psychologists to think about fact-finding together with lawyers who have been engaged in the practice. Our group also consists of legal scholars who has laid the theoretical foundation of fact-finding.

When we think of failures of finding facts in criminal investigations, false accusations and false arrests come to mind.
I know that many psychological professors are tackling the issue of false accusations.
In the review of the famous false accusation made in the Ashikaga case, the National Police Agency stated that in order to prevent false confessions leading to false accusations, they recommend the widespread use of psychological findings in interrogation like the Cognitive Interview and the use of polygraph testing.
Our study group has been discussing how to avoid false accusations and false arrests by using polygraph tests. We also talk about how to avoid false confessions in interrogation by using the interrogation method having a basis on psychological knowledge.
We have been working on issues such as whether or not false confession should be prevented from happening.

False confessions should not be allowed to happen. The first symposium at the annual meeting of Japanese Criminal Psychological Association especially concentrated on this issue, and I presented near miss cases where false arrests were avoided by using polygraph tests.
While I can’t give you details, I have also avoided false accusations through polygraph testing.
However, failure in fact-finding are not just limited to false accusations and false arrests.
The same is true for missed cases which can reflect badly on the accused as well as the victims.
A suspect may also be involved in another severe case, one man I investigated could not get back to those close to him, and let’s just say it lead him to the most unfortunate fate at the end.

As we have already said, fact-finding is a way of gaining reliable knowledge about past events, like criminal cases.
It is the work of recognizing of the past.
If fact-finding is the work of recognition, then there are two kinds of mistakes. Namely, false alarms and misses.
In order to make progress in fact-finding, we must consider both false alarms and misses equally so that we will make improvement necessary to prevent false accusations in turn.
We, The Society of Psychological Study for Fact-Finding (criminal investigation and memory), aim at the advancement of fact-finding as a working of recognition.
Furthermore, we hope that young investigators of criminal psychology and the like, will join us in our mission to pursue truth and objectivity.
For such values are the basis of Justice the legal system, and Civilization.